Attributions and Competencies

The Secretary of State for Vocational Technical Education has the following attributions:

a) proposal of policies and strategies for the development of Vocational Technical Education and Vocational Training, in coordination with the sectoral areas;

b) proposal for the regulation and coordination of activities in the area of ​​Vocational Technical Education and Vocational Training in the Country;

c) definition of areas and priorities for Vocational Technical Education and Vocational Training, in coordination with the sectoral areas;

d) inspection of activities in the area of ​​Vocational Technical Education and Vocational Training, in conjunction with other entities;

e) monitoring and inspection of Vocational Technical Education and Vocational Training, in conjunction with other entities; 

f) definition of mechanisms for accessing public funds for the development of Vocational Technical Education and Vocational Training activities;

g) promotion of the creation of institutions of Vocational Technical Education and Vocational Training;

h) promoting the expansion of access to Vocational Technical Education and vocational training;

i) administration of Vocational Technical Education and Vocational Training in coordination with other State entities, the private sector and civil society;

j) promotion of short-term vocational training and distance learning related to Vocational Technical Education;

k) Promoting the adoption of electronic platforms in Vocational Technical Education and Vocational Training The Secretary of State for Vocational Technical Education is responsible for:


It is incumbent upon the Secretary of State for Vocational Technical Education:

a) In the field of Training; 

i. propose policies for the training of trainers;

ii. to promote the training and qualification of managers and trainers of Vocational Technical Education and Vocational Training;

iii. promote and participate in the analysis of professions, their relevance in the labor market and define the requirements required for the performance of each profession;

iv. promote and propose the creation of training institutions for trainers and managers of Vocational Technical Education and Vocational Training;

v. investigate, design and improve the structure and methodologies of technical training and professional practical training for the different domains of the subsystem, in coordination with the sectoral areas;

I saw. promote and participate in the pedagogical and technical-scientific diagnosis of Vocational Technical Education and Vocational Training, in coordination with the sectoral areas;

vii. prepare, propose and monitor technical-scientific dissemination actions for Vocational Technical Education and Vocational Training, in coordination with the sectoral areas;

viii. establish partnerships with higher education institutions to design and implement training programs for managers and trainers;

ix. guide, in Vocational Technical Education and Vocational Training institutions, the preparation of training profiles, study plans, teaching programs, training and assessment methodology, in accordance with the established professional profiles and the structure of training specialties adopted;

x. guide and control the application of the study-work and school-community link and, in particular, the linking of schools and technical institutes to companies and services in the economic sector; e

xi. to promote the harmonious and equitable development of Vocational Technical Education and Vocational Training.

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