1. National Directorate of Training

1. The functions of the National Directorate of Training are:

a) propose training policies for trainers and ensure their implementation;

b) participate in the analysis of professions, their relevance in the market and proceed to the definition of the requirements demandable for the performance of each profession;

c) investigate, design and improve the structure and methodologies of technical training and professional practical training, for the various domains of the subsystem;

d) participate in the pedagogical and technical-scientific diagnosis of the Vocational Technical Education subsystem and professional training;

e) draw up national plans for continuing education 

of managers and trainers by area of ​​specialization;

f) prepare, propose and monitor the technical-scientific dissemination actions of the Vocational Technical Education and vocational training subsystem; 

g) promote technical training, psycho-pedagogical and methodological training for managers and trainers;

h) guide and control the application of the study-work and school-community link and, in particular, the linking of schools and technical institutes to companies and services in the economic sector i) participate in the Sectoral Technical Committees in the design of Qualifications;


j) identify and propose the registration of qualifications in the  National Framework of Professional Qualifications (QNQP); 

k) propose the periodic review of the Qualifications; 

l) promote technical training, psycho-pedagogical and methodological training of managers and trainers;

m) verify, for each qualification and type of institution, the pedagogical and technical-scientific level reached in the training; e

n) to carry out other activities that are superiorly determined under the terms of this Statute and other applicable legislation.

2. The National Training Directorate is headed by a National Director, appointed by the Secretary of State

  • National Directorate of School Management

1.These are the functions of the National Directorate of School Management:

a) propose policies, strategies, plans and programs for the development of vocational technical education and professional training and ensure their implementation;

b) to ensure the implementation of strategies, regulations and quality mechanisms in Institutions of Vocational Technical Education and Vocational Training;

c) guarantee and control the application of the defined principles and norms referring to the planning, direction and control of the training, educational and methodological work;

d) regulate enrollment, tuition and transfer processes;

e) control the application of the guidelines disseminated for each case, with regard to the material and human conditions for the functioning of the Qualifications 

and administrative-pedagogical organization to be observed by the Institutions of Technical Education and vocational training for young people and adults, supervised by other bodies, in coordination with them;

f) systematically evaluate the implementation and internal effectiveness of the subsystem, aiming at its development and improvement in harmony with the general lines of socio-economic development of the Country;

g) propose and enforce the rules and principles relating to the organization and management of educational activity and the administrative functioning of boarding centers and homes for Vocational Technical Education and vocational training, as well as those relating to the school fund;

h) to elaborate rules on the management

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